
~\(≧▽≦)/~ lalala

Just went to relatives back
A home , immediately open computer on FB

Haha ... what all need not do , got home on FB
Seriously ... today i am wery tired !! although nothing had done , but i wan very tired

Because this morning then get to relatives /.\
Don't get home until 1 o ' clock

Go in the morning when i go there no thing do
Until 2 o ' clock in the afternoon at 3 o ' clock multi-talented more to play in the park

Happened arter one thing -.- here not convenient revealed myself itself feels pretty lost again
There was a lot of people there

All people smile me after -.-
Then again i follow laugh =0=

Hehe ... don't say to sleep good night = DD

every day is rainy days ╮(╯_╰)╭

Do yao has recently been rain /.\
Really impatient cough up !!! raining all

Don't talk to me seriously has world end cough up !!!
I don't want the world end !!!

Who can tell me it's fake .. not really
The end of the world are not good !!!

Can don't it rained every day ? /.\
I hate :@


相遇太早 & 相遇太迟

你们可能相爱过 , 你们也可能喜欢着彼此 ,
但是 , 为了什么原因你们没能在一起 ?
也许他为了朋友之间的义气 , 不能追你 .
也许为了顾及家人的意见 , 你们没有在一起 . 也许为了自己的前程 , 他没有要你等他 .

也许你们相遇太早 ,
还不懂得珍惜对方 .
也许你们相遇太晚 ,
你们身边已经有了另一个人 .
也许你回头太迟 ,
对方已不再等待 .
也许你们彼此在捉摸对方的心 ,
而迟迟无法跨出界线 .

不过即使你们没在一起 ,
你们还是保持了朋友的关系 .
但是你们心底清楚 ,

他遇到困难时 ,
你会尽你所能的帮他 ,
不会计较又欠了谁 .

每个人这辈子 ,
心中都有过这么一个特别的朋友 ,
很毛盾的行为 .

一开始你不甘心只做朋友的 ,
但久了 , 突然发现这样最好 .
你宁愿这样关心他 ,
总好过你们在一起而有天会分手 .

你宁愿做他的朋友 ,
彼此不会吃醋 , 才可以真的无所不谈 .

特别是这样 ,
你还是知道 ,
他永远会关心你的 .

做不成男女朋友 ,
当他那个特别的朋友 ,
有什么不好呢 ?

无所顾忌的无话不谈 , 我会更在乎他对自己的看法
因为我知道如果我们成为男女朋友我们就会要求对方更多 , 想占为己有 , 会吃醋 , 会吵架 ......到最后也许会分手 ......
所以这样最好 ......

很对感情 , 都因为一厢情愿 ,

常常觉得惋惜 ,

最后却因为对方的一句喜欢你 ,
如果你没有反应 , 这一段友情似乎也难以维持下去 ,
这也难怪有些人会因此不肯踏出这一步 .

因为这就像是一场赌注 ,
表白了之后不是成了男女朋友 ,
要不就连朋友都当不成了 .

有些事不是你能预料的 , 或许对方不在意 ,
你们还是可以是朋友 , 但却已经不如从前的 .

你们还可以是朋友 , 但却已经不如从前的


o(≧v≦)o ~~

刚才看到维运和永森我很开心 = DD


今天我难得有机会去pm = )

那个臭维运欺负我 T^T


没说话一下 ...

过后他sms我 , 说永森有来 我很开心 = DD


很想念你 = ' )



我很想念你 !!!

很懒惰写华语 @@


Surprisingly , i had the opportunity to meet you

When i see you , my heat beating fast /.\

When i silly ==

Do ? i see you will also heartbeat

Later returned home asked elder brother , do ? i see you i'll heartbeat ?

Then brother old me this is normal /.\

Sometimes i have been wondering ... Do i still love he ==


Don't frighten me declan @@

Impossible !!!

I don't want to be he hurts !!!

I fear > <

Finished = DDD



To S.W

S.W not very happy that

Because home early

That day i lovely

I never buy clothes /.\

Just bought a purse and bag

Also bought segregation frost

That day i was 38 xDDD

A walking around and befor onto went down :PPP

Then go to a store ask tongue ring and belly ring much money

Tongue ring cheaper .. But belly ring very expensive @___@

I really can ' t buy laid a hand on him, but i also want to buy it .. Finally no buy good unforunately : ((

Okay, next time you have to go to buy :DD

Well .. wrote , i want to go to bed good night

English article ╭(╯^╰)╮

May i not redundant to your eyes

But some people think i ' m redundant

Whenever i a person sitting in my seat

I very want to cry = ' (

raja ali befor when man people talk to me ang play

now ?

few people talk to me and play

i hate that feeling

I want to go raja ali can ? I don' t want stay here

Raja ali many friends accompany me crazy .. Here ? Few people accompany me crazy besides

Raja ali in the time .. really happy = )

There is also good friends = ) )

Although we grow strange

But i will not forget you = ) )

Miss raja ali' s friend <3



今晚我又哭了 = ' (
刚和星仔聊天 聊到真的很开心 :D
聊聊下 我又想起我在RAJA ALI的日子
想起都好笑 我和惋廷是最怪兰的 xPP
每次弄维运 xPP

真希望明天去的学校是RAJA ALI而不是SB

眼泪一直流不停 ...

我真的很想回去RAJA ALI读书
我绝不忘掉 =')
你们的好 .. 我绝不忘 : )
我有你们这些朋友是我的荣幸 = )


有一天我一定会回去那里的 : )